Create your first automatic BDD testing tool

BDD test is a software development approach that focuses on the behavior of an application from the perspective of the end user.

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Load up test scenarios.

Run tests and find errors.

Monitor the fixing process in the app.

Auto report as issues to Jira.

BDD test tool

Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a software development approach that focuses on defining the behavior of a system through the use of examples expressed in a natural language syntax. BDD test tools are tools that support the practice of BDD by providing a way to write and execute BDD-style test cases.

BDD testing

BDD involves collaboration between developers, testers, and stakeholders to define clear and concise scenarios that describe the desired behavior of the system. These scenarios can then be used as acceptance criteria for implementing new features and as a basis for automated tests.


BDD test

BDD focuses on the behavior of the system from the perspective of the end user, rather than the internal implementation of the system. This allows the development team to better understand the needs and expectations of the users and to design and build a system that meets those needs.

Behavior driven testing CLI