Test , fix

& repeat.

Streamline the your BDD tests.

Automate your entire manual testing process - Find bugs in your software. Immediately, no coding knowledge required.

Given User is on a login page
When user enters the useername & password
Then user is navigated to the app homepage
Given User is on a home page
When user hover over the feature cards
Then user should see a card animation

Combine the CLI & the App

Use both tools to have a complete and detalied overview of the testing process

Jira integration

Failed tests can be automatically created as a Jira task streamlining the whole process.

Write test in Gherkin

Write tests using Gherkin, Cucumber’s simply structured plain-text language.

Simple bulk testing

Upload files, run tests & save your results. Upload tests in bulk to get detailed summary in bulk.


Streamline the testiong process

Use BDD testing to easily detect every error


This phase involves collaboration among team members (e.g., developers, testers, business analysts) to discuss and identify the desired behavior of the application. The goal is to understand the requirements and create clear, concise, and shared understanding of user stories.


In this phase, the identified behaviors are converted into executable specifications, typically written in a structured natural language format such as Gherkin. These specifications outline the expected behavior in the form of given-when-then scenarios.


During this phase, the formulated scenarios are automated using testing frameworks. The aim is to ensure that the specified behaviors are implemented correctly and consistently, facilitating automated testing and continuous integration processes.



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Start with our free plan to learn or see what really is test automation

up to 50 runs/month

Best deal


Best solution to automate tests in the area of one digital product/service

up to 51-250 runs/month



This plan will start if you are a test team and run automated tests on daily basis

up to 251-500 runs/mont


Contact us

Scale your business, get a fixed price and the larger quantity of actions.

unlimited 0.03$ per run

Automate your BDD testing process

Manual testing has just became a lot easier

Frequently Asked Questions